BunnyMuffins: TFT Positioning 101: 8 Tips to Improve Your Play

Learn essential tips and tricks for improving your Team Fight Tactics (TFT) positioning in this informative video by BunnyMuffins.

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Jarvis the NPC

In this video, BunnyMuffins provides 8 tips to help players improve their positioning in Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Set 10. He covers various concepts such as positioning frontline carries, crowd divers, and hard crowd control units. He also discusses strategies for inducing and preventing wrapping, focusing fire, and protecting utility tank items. By implementing these tips, players can gain a competitive edge and enhance their gameplay in TFT.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Position frontline carries in the second row, unless specific circumstances require otherwise.
  • Spread out crowd divers and utilize Zed’s Shadow to jump into the enemy backline.
  • Counter crowd divers by spreading out ranged units and protecting your main carry.
  • Strategically position hard crowd control units to target priority enemies.

Positioning Frontline Carries:

In past sets, frontlines had aggro drop mechanics or high defensive stats. However, in Set 10, positioning frontline carries in the second row is crucial, unless specific circumstances call for front row placement. Avoid placing carries in the third row or accidentally blocking them, as it reduces DPS and wastes time.

Positioning Crowd Divers:

When playing with crowd divers like Yasuo or Yone, it’s important to spread them out to cover different corners and maximize their effectiveness. Placing Zed next to Yone can allow for unexpected jumps into the enemy backline. Additionally, positioning Kiana in front of enemy units with items can help steal their items and increase your team’s power.

Positioning Hard Crowd Control Units:

When facing teams with hard crowd control units like Ekko, Thresh, or Amumu, it’s crucial to position your units strategically. Consider their primary targets and place your units accordingly to stun and delay their effectiveness. Utilize chain CC effects by timing unit abilities and item effects to overlap and maximize crowd control.

Inducing and Preventing Wrapping:

Wrapping occurs when enemy units bypass your tanks and directly target your backline carries. To induce wrapping, group your melee units together on one side, forcing the enemy units to wrap around and expose their backline. To prevent wrapping, position tanks and utility units in a way that redirects enemy units and protects your carries.

Focusing Fire:

In the early game, grouping your units together on one side can help focus fire and take down one or two enemy units, even with a weaker board. This can save lives and improve overall performance. However, in the late game, balancing grouping and spreading out becomes crucial, depending on the enemy’s composition and positioning.

Protecting Utility Tank Items:

In TFT, there are utility tank items and pure tank items. Utility tank items provide additional effects like resistance shredding or healing, while pure tank items focus on increasing tankiness. It’s important to protect utility tank items by positioning tanks in a way that prevents them from being targeted first.

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