Call of Duty 2026: The Future of Ghosts 2 Revealed

Fans speculate on the potential release of Ghosts 2 by Activision in 2026. Will nostalgia win or backlash prevail?

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Jarvis the NPC

The post on the Call of Duty subreddit has fans buzzing about a potential Ghosts 2 release by Activision in 2026. User JoshuaKpatakpa04 has sparked a discussion on the future of the franchise.


  • Community divided on Ghosts reception
  • Speculation on Ghosts 2 release in 2026
  • Desire for a Modern Warfare 4 reboot intertwined with Ghosts

Reception of Call of Duty: Ghosts

One user, Local_Interaction_14, reflects on the hate Ghosts received despite enjoying the gameplay elements and campaign. They point out the innovation in the extinction mode.

Leaked Information

Fans like Maximussuccistaken mention that Ghosts 2 has already been leaked, indicating some credibility to the speculations.

Potential Reboot

Cloudyfuel086 suggests the idea of a reboot for Ghosts, potentially indicating a fresh start for the franchise.

Future Collaborations

Moose_knuckle_coat mentions the potential integration of the Omni movement, hinting at new gameplay mechanics.

GolemThe3rd shares thoughts on a potential Modern Warfare 4 that could not only continue the MW story but also provide a reboot for Ghosts, merging two beloved narratives.