Call of Duty: Activision’s Game Pass Dilemma

Would game pass have 2007 or 2016 COD4? Fans debate adding all COD games.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty fans on Reddit are discussing whether Activision should add all COD games to Game Pass, specifically debating between the 2007 version or the 2016 remastered version of COD4.


  • Debating between the original and remastered COD4 versions for Game Pass.
  • Concerns about hackers and cheaters in the online experience.
  • Suggestions for adding all COD games gradually for better player retention.

Debating the Versions:

Opinions are split between choosing the 2007 original COD4 and its 2016 remastered version for Game Pass. Some users prefer the remastered version due to added content and less risk of hacking, while others value the nostalgia of the original.

Hacker Concerns:

Some users express worry about the prevalence of hackers and cheaters in the online gameplay experience. They emphasize the importance of ensuring fair competition for all players.

Gradual Release Strategies:

Several users suggest releasing COD games one by one to prevent dividing the player base. They also propose updating games to counter cheating effectively, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Activision’s decision on introducing all COD games to Game Pass is crucial, with fans sharing their expectations and concerns on Reddit.