Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 or 2 – Which One Should You Buy?

Deciding between Black Ops 1 and 2 for your next gaming escapade? Let's dive into the Reddit community opinions!

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to choosing between Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2, the decision isn’t always easy. The Reddit community has been buzzing with discussions about the two iconic titles and their merits, especially in terms of campaign, offline multiplayer, split-screen, and zombies.


  • BO1 has a larger player base and less hackers than BO2.
  • BO1’s Zombies mode is widely praised for its quality.
  • BO2 offers more customization options and replay value.

BO1: The Classic Choice

Many Redditors lean towards Black Ops 1, citing its historical significance, robust gameplay, and memorable Zombies mode as key factors influencing their decision. User Guru_Pagkolin hails BO1 as a masterpiece, emphasizing the importance of returning to where it all began.

BO2: The Modern Twist

On the other hand, advocates for Black Ops 2 point out its enhanced customization features and greater replayability. Redditor Lucas111620, a self-proclaimed BO1 fan, acknowledges BO2’s strengths, especially in terms of customization options.

The Verdict: It’s a Tie!

Ultimately, the decision between Black Ops 1 and 2 boils down to personal preference. While some prefer the nostalgia and simplicity of BO1, others appreciate the modern gameplay mechanics and customization offered by BO2. In the end, both titles have their unique charms that continue to captivate gamers.