Call of Duty Campaigns: What’s Your Favorite?

Exploring the love for Call of Duty campaigns. Which one stands out to you?

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty campaigns have always been a standout feature in the franchise, offering players engaging stories and unique gameplay experiences. Whether it’s the intense house clearing missions in MW or the historical setting of WaW, fans have strong opinions about their favorite campaigns. Let’s dive into the Reddit post that sparked a discussion on the best Call of Duty campaigns.


  • Players have varied preferences when it comes to Call of Duty campaigns, with some praising the authenticity and historical context of older titles like WaW.
  • Modern Warfare trilogy stands out for its compelling narratives and realistic portrayal of war, drawing players in with its immersive gameplay.
  • While some enjoyed Infinite Warfare for its futuristic setting and innovative storytelling, others found the campaign lacking in comparison to classic titles.

The Nostalgia of Past Titles

User Stork_Milo reminisces about the iconic Call of Duty 4 campaign, showcasing the enduring appeal of older titles that hold a special place in players’ hearts. The familiarity and challenge of replaying missions add to the nostalgic experience.

Differing Perspectives

While some users like Bodefosho appreciate games like Infinite Warfare for their excellent campaigns, others like FC_coyo express concerns about the declining quality and immersion in recent Call of Duty titles. The debate over which era of campaigns reign supreme continues among fans.

Mixed Reactions to Modern Warfare III

For many players, Modern Warfare III left a polarizing impression. While some found certain missions enjoyable, others like JamesEvanBond criticize the inconsistency in difficulty and lack of innovation in the campaign. The division in opinions reflects the diverse preferences within the Call of Duty community.

From the gritty realism of World at War to the futuristic allure of Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty campaigns have evolved over the years, catering to a wide range of storytelling preferences and gameplay styles. Each title holds a special place in fans’ hearts, sparking debates and nostalgia within the community. The love for Call of Duty campaigns remains a constant, showcasing the enduring appeal of the franchise’s single-player experiences.