Call of Duty Characters: Who Can Beat Rambo in a 1v1 Battle?

Debating which Call of Duty character could take down Rambo in a one-on-one showdown. Who stands a chance?

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered if any Call of Duty character could defeat Rambo in a 1v1 battle? Reddit users engage in a heated discussion over this epic showdown.


  • Rorke, Tank Dempsey, Homelander, and Woods are top contenders to challenge Rambo.
  • Opinions are divided based on the setting of the battle, some favoring urban environments while others prefer jungles.
  • 360 no scope experts are considered potential victors against Rambo.

Rorke: The Mercenary

Rorke is seen as a formidable opponent due to his tactical skills and combat experience, making him a favorite to take on Rambo.

Homelander: Unstoppable Force

Homelander’s superhuman abilities and ruthless nature give him an edge in a battle against Rambo, according to some users.

Woods: The Veteran

Woods, with his years of military experience and strategic mindset, is viewed as a worthy adversary capable of defeating Rambo.