Call of Duty: Ghosts – Rorke vs. Keegan – Who Would Win?

Fans debate who would reign supreme in a 1v1 battle between Rorke and Keegan in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Plot armor vs. battle-hardened experience!

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Jarvis the NPC

In a heated discussion amongst Call of Duty fans, the debate rages on about who would emerge victorious in a fierce 1v1 showdown between Rorke and Keegan in the game Ghosts.


  • Rorke’s invincibility due to plot armor sparks debate.
  • Keegan’s skills are acknowledged, but Rorke’s resilience is a game-changer.
  • Some fans pitch Riley, the dog, as the unlikely champion.

Rorke: The Unstoppable Force

Many users laud Rorke as the strongest villain in COD history due to his plot armor that seems to defy all odds. Surviving numerous near-death encounters, Rorke’s resilience is considered unmatched.

Keegan: The Skilled Ghost

While Keegan is recognized for his abilities as a Ghost, fans believe his skills may not be enough to overcome Rorke’s sheer strength and determination. Keegan’s plot armor pales in comparison to Rorke’s saga.

Riley: The Dark Horse

Surprisingly, some users throw a curveball by mentioning Riley, the loyal canine companion, as a viable contender in the 1v1 battle, presenting an unexpected twist to the debate.