Call of Duty: Ghosts – The Underrated Gem or Overrated? – 2022 Review

Is Call of Duty: Ghosts truly an underrated gem or just overrated? Dive into the discussion on the divisive game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty enthusiasts, buckle up! The subreddit is on fire with discussions about the infamous Ghosts installment. Fan opinions are divided, sparking heated debates among the community. Let’s dig into the chaos!


  • Opinions on Ghosts range from underrated gem to overrated disappointment.
  • Players highlight the fun gunplay and campers’ issues in the game.
  • Ghosts is deemed better or worse compared to current Call of Duty titles.

Ghosts: A Love-Hate Relationship

Many players find Ghosts to be a mix of enjoyable gunplay and frustrating camping tactics. The abundance of cool weapons adds fun, but the prevalence of campers and random IEDs can quickly sour the experience.

Nostalgic Memories

Some gamers look back on Ghosts fondly, reminiscing about unique features like the campaign’s potential for a sequel. Despite its flaws, the game holds a special place in the hearts of those who appreciate its quirks.

Debating Ghosts’ Legacy

While some argue that Ghosts represents a low point in the COD franchise, others defend it as a decent entry. Discussions about hit detection issues, shotgun fun, and personal preferences continue to fuel the debate, keeping the Ghosts legacy alive.

Call of Duty: Ghosts remains a polarizing topic among gamers, with no clear consensus on its standing within the franchise. As opinions clash and memories resurface, the Ghosts debate rages on, showcasing the enduring impact of this divisive title.