Call of Duty Ghosts: Underrated Gem or Overhyped Flop? Reddit Community Weighs In

Was 'Call of Duty: Ghosts' unfairly criticized or truly a disappointment? Redditors share their thoughts on the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

11 years later, ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’ still sparks debate among gamers. Released amidst high expectations after ‘BO2,’ Ghosts took a different approach, dividing the community.


  • Ghosts polarized fans due to its departure from the traditional COD formula
  • The Extinction mode and weapon customization were praised
  • Many enjoyed the campaign while finding fault with multiplayer maps
  • Comparisons to Black Ops 2 heightened criticism
  • Underrated Gem

    One user expressed that Ghosts was underrated and unfairly criticized, attributing the negative reception to players expecting another BO2-like experience. They praised the variety of weapons and map interactions, rating the game a solid 7.5/10.

    BO2 Comparison

    Another Redditor mentioned the transition from Black Ops 2 to Ghosts felt like a downgrade, impacting the perception of the latter negatively. They appreciated specific weapons like the honey badger and lynx but noted the game’s overall reception suffered due to its predecessor’s success.

    Nostalgic Appreciation

    Some users who enjoyed Ghosts admitted their bias towards the game, citing personal experiences and memories associated with specific features like the campaign or multiplayer modes. These sentiments convey a mix of nostalgia and personal preferences that color their perception of the game.

    Despite its polarizing reception, ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’ remains a topic of discussion in gaming communities, showcasing the diverse opinions and experiences players have with the franchise. Whether seen as an underrated gem or a disappointing entry, Ghosts continues to spark conversations and debates, reflecting the enduring impact of the COD series on gaming culture.