Call of Duty: MW 2019 vs. MW2 2022 or MW3 2023 – Graphics Downgrade?

Are newer Call of Duty games really better in graphics and detail than older ones? Reddit users have some strong opinions!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are newer Call of Duty games actually improving in graphics and detail compared to older titles? A Reddit post and its comments dive deep into this debate.


  • Some users believe COD MW 2019 is the pinnacle of the series in terms of graphics and gameplay.
  • Others think newer games lack the detail and character found in older titles despite technological advancements.
  • Changes in development teams might have impacted the quality and consistency of newer games.

Is MW19 the Graphics Peak?

While some argue that MW2019 is the best-looking COD game to date, others point out that newer titles lack the intricate detail and character of the older trilogy.

Diverging Opinions on Graphics Quality

Players are split on whether the newer games’ graphics are truly better than older titles or if they lack the depth and uniqueness seen in previous releases.

Impact of Development Team Changes

The departure of key developers from MW19 might have influenced the quality and direction of subsequent Call of Duty games.