Call of Duty Players – Do They Even Play Other Games?

Do Call of Duty players really only stick to one game? Let's delve into the gaming mindset.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty players, are they missing out on other gaming experiences or staying loyal to their favorite franchise? This Reddit post dives into the discussion where participants question the narrow gaming focus of Call of Duty enthusiasts.


  • Is there a perception that Call of Duty players exclusively play Call of Duty and disregard other games?
  • Many users suggest that while some players do focus mainly on Call of Duty, it’s not a universal sentiment.
  • Several redditors mention enjoying a variety of games outside the Call of Duty franchise.

Call of Duty Enthusiasts

Some users express frustration at the stereotype that Call of Duty players are only interested in one franchise. They emphasize the richness of the gaming industry beyond Call of Duty and encourage players to explore new experiences.

Diversity in Gaming

Others point out that gaming communities of various franchises tend to lean towards their preferred titles, not just Call of Duty. They advocate for respecting individual gaming preferences and choices.

Exploring Alternatives

Many participants share their love for diverse games, from Battlefield to Minecraft and even single-player experiences. This showcases the wide range of gaming interests present within the community.

The debate around the gaming habits of Call of Duty players highlights the ongoing conversation about gaming diversity and individual preferences. While some may exclusively play Call of Duty, many enthusiasts enjoy a plethora of gaming experiences outside the realm of this iconic franchise. Gaming is subjective, and each player’s journey is unique, shaped by personal preferences and tastes. As the industry continues to evolve, embracing a variety of games enriches the overall gaming landscape, fostering a community united by its love for gaming in all its forms.