Call of Duty: Redditors Debate the Best Game for a Remaster

Which Call of Duty game should get a remaster according to Reddit users? The community is torn!

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty fans on Reddit discuss which game deserves a remaster the most. The post sparks a debate on which title in the franchise should get the remaster treatment.


  • Redditors are divided between World at War and Black Ops 1 for a remaster.
  • Many believe World at War’s grim and realistic approach would benefit from a modern remaster.
  • Some argue Black Ops 1’s legendary campaign and multiplayer make it a better choice for a remaster.

World at War Fans Speak Out

Many users advocate for a World at War remaster, praising its unique atmosphere and gameplay.

Black Ops 1 Advocates Make Their Case

Supporters of Black Ops 1 highlight its iconic campaign and multiplayer experience as reasons for a remaster.

Personal Preferences Shine Through

Individual preferences play a significant role in users’ choices, with nostalgia and personal experiences shaping their opinions.