Call of Duty SBMM Debate: Are Sweatlords Ruining the Fun?

Is SBMM ruining the fun in Call of Duty matches? Dive into the debate and find out what players are saying.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty players are divided over the controversial Skill-Based Matchmaking (SBMM) system. A Reddit post titled “[COD] SBMM needs to go. How is this fair? I’ve died like 30 times against these sweatlords” sparked a heated discussion among gamers.


  • Opinions on SBMM vary from those defending it for balanced matches to others feeling it stifles fun and player choice.
  • Some players appreciate the competitive challenge, while others miss the randomness and casual fun of older COD titles.

Positive Viewpoints

RedRoses711 suggests that SBMM prevents extreme skill mismatches, ensuring everyone has a chance to enjoy the game without constant losses.

Negative Viewpoints

G-unit2 expresses frustration with not being able to play with friends of differing skill levels. They feel restricted by SBMM and miss the carefree, unconventional gameplay of previous titles

The removal of disbanding lobbies also impacts player interactions and the sense of community