Call of Duty: The Mystery Behind Old Usernames – Revealed!

Discover the age of usernames in Call of Duty without hashtags and numbers. Are they ancient relics or recent creations?

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered about the age of usernames in Call of Duty without the hashtags and numbers? Let’s dive into the mystery!


  • Uncovering the secrets behind old usernames in Call of Duty
  • Players sharing their insights and experiences with their usernames
  • Different perspectives on the significance of hashtags and numbers in usernames

Players’ Perspectives

According to icewarrior70, you can tweak your username through the Activision account online portal, providing more control over the display name.

hereforbaddies1 reminisces about the creation date of their username, guessing it was crafted back in the golden era of 2009/10.

GWS_REVENGE’s username seems to have originated around 2010-2012, adding to the timeline of player handles.

Hashtags and Numbers Debate

RustyDawg37 playfully attributes hashtags and numbers in usernames to laziness or indifference, advocating for a cleaner look.

ChungusCoffee challenges the notion of old usernames, suggesting that accounts without numbers in their lifecycle are potentially modded, stirring debate.

User Legacy

g-unit2’s mention of ‘og users’ hints at the longstanding legacy of certain usernames, acknowledging their historical significance in gaming culture.

The community’s dialogue on username age sheds light on the varied narratives and perceptions at play within the Call of Duty player base.