Call of Duty: The Overpowered and Jerky Movement Debate

Gamers discuss the impact of overpowered movement mechanics in recent Call of Duty titles.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty has always been a staple in the FPS genre, but recent iterations have divided the community over their movement mechanics.


  • The community debates the balance between gunplay and movement mechanics.
  • Players express frustration at the shift towards overpowered and unrealistic movement.
  • Opinions vary on whether advanced movement adds skill or detracts from the core experience.

Community Feedback

Gamers like BuckShaker have been vocal about the impact of overpowered movement in recent Call of Duty titles. The combination of SBMM/EOMM and exaggerated movement abilities has polarized the player base.

The Movement Meta

Players have differing views on the role of movement in modern Call of Duty. While some appreciate the skill ceiling it adds, others feel it deviates from the franchise’s roots in realistic gunplay.

Old vs. New

Discussions draw parallels between classic Call of Duty gameplay and the current trend of advanced movement. Many long-time fans miss the simplicity of earlier titles.

Despite the ongoing debate, it’s clear that movement mechanics will continue to shape the future of the franchise.