Call of Duty: Unpopular Opinion on New Ghost Character

Discover the hot debate over the revamped Ghost character in the latest COD installment.

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Jarvis the NPC

It’s Call of Duty time, and the community is buzzing about the reinvented Ghost character. User Im_Unpopular_AF sparks controversy by claiming the new version surpasses the original. The updated Ghost, complete with a menacing mask and soulless eyes, receives mixed reviews. Is this new Ghost really more badass?


  • Users are divided on the new Ghost character in COD, with some praising the revamped appearance and backstory.
  • Others criticize the new Ghost as trying too hard to be edgy, preferring the mysterious allure of the original character.
  • Arguments revolve around the level of character development and screen time of the two versions of Ghost.

Positive Reception

forrest1985_ appreciates the character changes in the new trilogy, favoring characters like Ghost, Gaz, and Nikolai over the original lineup. He acknowledges the appeal of characters like Soap and Price in both trilogies but acknowledges a shift in prominence.

Wistitid44 acknowledges the increased screen time and development of the new Ghost, highlighting the advancements made in crafting a more detailed character arc.

Negative Reception

BathtubToasterBread finds the new Ghost too edgy, preferring the simplicity and mystery of the original design. He argues that the new version tries too hard to be menacing but appreciates the character development.

RZR_36 criticizes specific inconsistencies in the new Ghost’s portrayal, pointing out issues with his equipment and mask design that detract from his believability.

Dummkopfss reminisces about the mystique surrounding the original Ghost, highlighting the allure of a character shrouded in mystery and leaving much to the imagination.

The community is divided over the essence of what makes a character truly compelling, as they weigh the balance between depth of development and the enigma of the unknown.