Call of Duty Weaver Zombies Character Debate: Fans Divided

Call of Duty fans are split on Weaver's transition to a Zombies character. Is this move a hit or a miss?

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Jarvis the NPC

Players are divided over Weaver’s shift to a Zombies character in Call of Duty. While some embrace the change, others express concerns about mixing campaign and undead elements.


  • Combining campaign and zombies characters sparks debate.
  • Some fans see it as a creative move, while others find it odd.
  • Players long for more Weaver in campaigns.

Fans’ Reactions

Some_Gas_1337 dislikes intertwining campaign characters with zombies. LORD_HONGA suggests playing as Weaver in Cold War zombies. TERABITDEFIANCE criticizes the lack of interesting characters post-BO3.

Player Perspectives

Kalinine feels indifferent, appreciating more story with Weaver and Hudson. chiki2025 wishes Weaver remained in the campaign. MBCoopsz fondly reminisces about dreaming of such crossovers when they were younger.

Deeper Insights

Nanaue_115 believes Weaver’s inclusion makes sense due to his background. Mijuul110 prefers playing as Carver or Grey. Team_Svitko is open to seeing Weaver evolve further.

Enough-Till7603 ponders on the weapons featured. Kmeek01 questions the lack of Weaver’s presence in Cold War’s campaigns. MaximusMurkimus finds the characters’ transitions to Zombies fitting.

AnimeGokuSolos simply loves the change, showing not all are against it.