Call of Duty: Were People Too Harsh on These COD Titles?

Are players too harsh on certain Call of Duty titles? Let's dive into the Reddit discussions to find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty has seen its fair share of titles that have stirred up mixed reactions among the gaming community. From futuristic settings to modern warfare, players have strong opinions about the direction of the franchise.


  • Players appreciate the futuristic settings in some titles.
  • Ghost receives both praise and criticism.
  • Opinions are divided on Infinite Warfare.

Positive Sentiment Towards Futuristic Settings

The post author expresses love for the futuristic settings in Call of Duty titles, hoping for more sequels in that vein. However, they acknowledge that the trend may shift back to modern warfare due to player preferences.

Negative Feedback on Ghost and Infinite Warfare

While some users like “Designer_Status_329” find Ghost amazing, others like “RandomBloke2021” criticize aspects such as spawns, maps, and score streaks, specifically in multiplayer. Infinite Warfare also receives mixed reviews, with some users praising its campaign and zombies mode while others, like “Psychological_Green7,” hold reservations.

Debates on Other Titles

Users like “StoppingPowah” defend titles like Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 4, citing multiplayer issues and the absence of a campaign as points of contention. “TheyCallMeNade” appreciates the jetpack titles but notes the fatigue from the continuous release of similar games.

Final Thoughts: The Call of Duty community’s verdict on various titles remains polarized. While some players enjoy the futuristic settings and unique gameplay features, others criticize aspects like multiplayer balance and campaign content. The diversity of opinions showcases the complex relationship players have with the evolving franchise.