Call of Duty: Why Are PS4 and Xbox One Specs Still a Topic of Debate After So Many Years?

Uncover the mystery behind the ongoing support for last-gen consoles in the Call of Duty community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why the PS4 and Xbox One specs are still a hot topic in the Call of Duty community more than a decade later? Reddit users dive into the discussion.


  • Despite newer consoles boasting better specs, many players are content with older hardware.
  • Running games on PC versus consoles involves different considerations.
  • Last-gen consoles still hold a significant player base, influencing continued support.

Varying Perspectives on Last-Gen Support

One user points out, “It’s because people aren’t upgrading as fervently to next-gen as before. The leap from 360 to One was huge, while the leap from the Xbox One X to Series X was just impressive.”

Contrarily, another user argues, “They make up a large portion of the player base so even if it runs at 20fps people will proudly hand over their $70 or $100 every year.”

The Complexity of Hardware Specs

Exploring the nuances, a Redditor notes, “This is a bit of an oversimplification of hardware specs. PC specs aren’t a literal requirement to run the game, it’s a measurement of acceptable performance at a pre-determined graphics preset.”

Upgrading Dilemma

One user expresses confusion, “Idk why more people haven’t upgraded considering the performance boost and more games that aren’t available on PS4 and Xbox One.”

Even amidst advancements, the debate around last-gen console support in the Call of Duty realm continues to spark intriguing conversations among gamers.