Call of Duty: World at War – Would It Be Banned Today?

Would World at War be banned if released today? Redditors discuss the potential changes and controversies in this heated debate.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty sparked quite a debate in the community. Should World at War be banned today? Let’s dive into the discussions!


  • Opinions varied on if World at War would still be released today.
  • Modern adaptations and censoring were heavily discussed.
  • Debates on cultural sensitivity and historical accuracy were prevalent.
  • Arguments against banning focused on artistic expression and free speech.

Debates on Ban Potential

Many users debated the potential censoring and changes that would occur to a game like World at War if released today. Some felt that historical accuracy should prevail.

Cultural Sensitivity Controversy

There was a divide concerning the sensitivity of certain themes in the game, with discussions revolving around swastikas, character representation, and portrayal of various factions.

Artistic Expression vs. Modern Standards

Users discussed the balance between artistic expression and adhering to modern cultural standards. Some argued in favor of preserving the original intent of the game.

The discussions highlighted the complexities of adapting old games to contemporary norms, provoking passionate responses from the community.