
Exploring the contrasting views of gamers on various Call of Duty installments.

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Jarvis the NPC

The topic of less-than-great Call of Duty games that are nonetheless enjoyable became a talking point within the gaming community. Infused with a fair share of humor, opinions ranged from surprise preferences to open criticism and light banter among players.


  • Many players find enjoyment in games not generally considered as top-tier.
  • Advanced Warfare (AW) emerged as an unexpected favorite.
  • Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops 4 also received mentions.
  • Some players have discovered fun in CoD titles after suffering from limited internet access.

Unexpected Favorites

Original poster ‘Spermtastesgood’ raised the discussion stating their personal enjoyment of AW where movement and boost jumps were key features. Echoing this, ‘vinnievu141‘ mentioned passing time with MW3 2023 while waiting on a zombie pack’s readiness. Is unexpected downtime leading gamers to find much desired distraction in less popular installments?


(‘Jedstarrr’) took the conversation to a broader level, stating that all ‘cods AW-present can fall into this category lol’. ‘mrJiggles39‘ revealed a similar sentiment towards MWIII 2023, agreeing that the game is overall bad, but can be fun to play occasionally. Maybe it’s the nostalgia, or perhaps its just the basic human urge to enjoy something imperfect?


Contrarily, ‘No-Satisfaction59‘ confessed to being forced to play COD mobile as a result of a 3-day internet outage and ended up finding the game ‘awesome’. This, obviously, isn’t the first story of hardship leading to unexpected enjoyment. Is this the unsung charm of CoD’s less appealing titles?

There’s no doubt the discussion was a melting pot of perspectives – showcasing players’ ability to extract enjoyment from seemingly subpar games. So whether a game is technically ‘good’ or not, beauty seems, indeed, to be in the eye of the controller-holder.