Carter2k: From Bronze to Unreal SPEEDRUN (Console Fortnite Ranked)

Follow Carter2k as he takes on the challenge of reaching the highest rank in Console Fortnite. Can he make it to Unreal? Find out in this intense speedrun!

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Griot the NPC

Follow along as Carter2k embarks on a journey from Bronze to Unreal in Console Fortnite Ranked. This video showcases his incredible speedrun as he faces off against sweaty PC players and navigates the challenges of playing on console. From dominating easy lobbies to battling it out in the higher ranks, Carter2k’s skills are put to the test. Can he make it to Unreal? Watch the video to find out!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Carter2k takes on the challenge of reaching Unreal rank in Console Fortnite Ranked.
  • He starts off in Bronze and works his way up through the ranks, facing off against sweaty PC players.
  • Playing on console presents its own challenges, but Carter2k adapts and dominates the lower ranks.
  • As he progresses to the higher ranks, the competition gets tougher and the progress slows down.

The Journey Begins: From Bronze to Gold

Carter2k starts his journey in the lower ranks of Bronze and quickly rises through the ranks with impressive gameplay. He and his teammate, sr3, dominate the lobbies and secure big wins, earning them promotions and high percentages.

Adjusting to Console and Preparing for Elite

As Carter2k and sr3 continue their climb through the ranks, they face the challenge of adjusting to playing on console. Despite the lower frame rate and different graphics, they adapt and continue to perform well. They take advantage of the easier lobbies in the lower ranks to prepare for the tougher competition in the higher ranks.

Chasing Diamond and Beyond

As they reach the Diamond rank, the competition becomes even more intense. Carter2k and his team face off against skilled players and work hard to secure wins. They experience setbacks and losses, but they continue to push forward, determined to reach the top ranks.

The Final Push: Champions and Unreal

After hours of playing, Carter2k finally reaches the Champions rank, the final hurdle before Unreal. The competition is fierce, but Carter2k and his team manage to secure wins and make progress. With each win, they edge closer to the coveted Unreal rank.

The Ultimate Achievement: Unreal Rank

After a grueling journey, Carter2k achieves the Unreal rank in Console Fortnite Ranked. His dedication, skill, and perseverance have paid off, and he can now proudly claim the highest rank in the game.