Carter2k: The Best Controller Settings for Fortnite OG (PS4/PS5/Xbox/PC)

Discover the best controller settings for dominating Fortnite lobbies in Carter2k's latest video!

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Griot the NPC

Fortnite Reload is here and in this video, Carter2k shares the best controller settings to help you dominate lobbies and adjust to the game’s changes. He covers various settings and preferences, providing two sets of sensitivities for players to try. Whether you prefer linear or exponential settings, Carter2k has you covered. Watch the video to learn more!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Carter2k shares his preferred controller settings for Fortnite, which are similar to those used by pro players
  • He provides two sets of sensitivities for players to try: linear and exponential
  • Players can adjust their settings based on personal preference and playstyle
  • He recommends practicing with the new settings in his custom map to get used to them

Linear vs. Exponential Settings:

Carter2k explains that linear settings offer smoother and more consistent aim, while exponential settings provide more precision at the cost of slightly stiffer controls. He recommends players try both and see which they prefer.

Adjusting Sensitivities:

For linear settings, Carter2k suggests using 43% for horizontal and vertical sensitivity with no look boost. For exponential settings, he recommends using 16% for both horizontal and vertical sensitivity with no boost. Players can fine-tune these values based on their comfort and aiming style.

Practicing with Custom Map:

Carter2k invites viewers to try out his custom map to get used to the new settings. The map allows players to practice building, editing, and aiming in a controlled environment. It’s a great way to adjust and improve before jumping into real matches.