Challenging the Blizzard: Apex Legends Player Thanks Game for Surprise Delivery!

A Redditor in snow-ridden Buffalo receives an unexpected delivery related to Apex Legends, sparking discussions and envy among fellow gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

A recent post on a popular gaming forum, an Apex Legends player based in blizzard-hit Buffalo spills the beans on a shockingly unexpected and much-coveted delivery he received from none other than Apex Legends. In a heartwarming note of gratitude, user BigBadWo1f13 says, ‘Thank you Apex!’


  • The surprise amidst the snowstorm
  • How did they find out and what exactly is the surprise?
  • How the gaming community is reacting

The Surprise Amidst the Snowstorm

BigBadWo1f13’s post hints at the incredible grit of the delivery services who managed to deliver despite the heavy snowfall. There isn’t any explicit mention of what the delivery contains, but context and following queries point to this being a related reward or merchandise from Apex Legends. Regardless of its content, it is evident that the gesture has touched and cheered up the player.

Unraveling the Mystery

From a mix of excitement and curiosity followed queries about the surprise. Redditor Ok-Two-3607 asks ‘Dope! How did you get this?’, implying the surprise might be a result of some contest or event. Another user, SnooBooks6060, wondered whether there was any notification about winning or was it a surprise until the delivery actually arrived.

The Community Response

Expectably, this post didn’t just garner curiosity, but also an avalanche of various emotions. Lem0nyFr3sh_ feels ‘extremely jealous’, echoed by johnnydigits88 who laments missing out on this fantastic surprise. Charkel_ meanwhile is intrigued and wants to know how many such winners exist out there.

The fact that video games like Apex Legends goes an extra mile, (or should we say a few thousand miles in the snowstorm), to reward their players demonstrates a unique customer connection. The positive sentiments from the post and the comments hint towards a happy player community. To them, it’s not just about scoring points on the screen; it’s about being a part of an exhilarating world where even the real-life snowstorms can’t stop surprises from reaching their doorstep.