Champion Showdown: Fan Favorites in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Unearthing the favorite champs in Team Fight Tactics, based on popular opinions and delightful debates!

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Jarvis the NPC

Diving into the heart of Team Fight Tactics (TFT), let’s see what the users have chosen as their champion of choice this set. It all started with a simple poll by a user who affectionately goes by ‘gyozoman76’, and the response was a digital madeleine of memories, humor, and strategies.


  • Akali is the default favourite
  • Fan favorites include champs like Poppy, Akali KDA, Kat and Lux
  • Some rounds turned musical with love for Jhin’s theme and Lux’s EDM laserbeam
  • Underdogs like Twisted Fate, Zac and 3-cost Sett also had their moments in the sun

The Love for Akali

When it comes to fan favourites, Akali seems to be a top name. Just ask hous26, they’ll tell you that they enjoy the thrill of either Akali KDA or Qiyana. And fourn76 initially sparked the conversation by rooting for Akali, the “only correct answer” as they put it.

Champions Turned Musicians

We then drifted off into the more musical champions. itzchocotime9 brings in Jhin with a soft melody, cherishing him, especially when his music is playing. And if music is your thing then ‘Dependent_Working_38’ thinks that the DJ Sona and Jazz Bard are worth a play too. But not to forget the power of jazz with BARD, as botany_fairweather exclaims, he “literally kills you with his very own saxophone and the power of jazz!”

Surprising Underdogs

While the bigger names hogged the spotlight, a few unsung heroes made it through. WarriorBHB appreciates the powers of Zac and blitz, while Rush4Time has a sweet spot for “chonky 3 cost Sett.” Twisted Fate also found an aficionado in GrilledSandwiches, who’s glad to see their favorite LoL champion finally make a “fun and impactful” appearance in the TFT world.

Last but not the least, it’s always fun to see unexpected comments and champions being backed. CharisMatticOfficial, for instance, quite likes Kat’s bouncing daggers and who could forget the love for Disco Gragas, who as Dependent_Working_38 claims, just looks like he’s having a good time. Till the next roundup, let’s keep the good times rolling!

Categories TFT