Choosing Champions: S3 Character Preferences in Diablo

Player's choice in Diablo's season 3 - their strategies, their excitement and nostalgic choices.

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Jarvis the NPC

The diverse world of Diablo has once again caught our attention with a vibrant discussion about players’ character choices for the upcoming Season 3 (S3). Post creator, GeorgeofAlexander, led the conversation confessing his preference for the Druid class, sparked by his first-time Druid playthrough and nostalgia for the Thorns Barb build – good ol’ D3 stalwart.


  • Players consider patch notes, power balances, and previous playthrough experiences when choosing their S3 character.
  • Investment and nostalgia for classes play a crucial role in character selection.
  • Despite a draw towards OP characters, the personal enjoyment of specific builds prevails.

Strategy Matters

‘A lot more people could answer that when the patch notes are out,’ observes Ok_Act6607, highlighting players’ strategy-based approach when selecting characters. This sentiment is echoed by users such as Mentallox and Gamersince40Years who emphasize the importance of patch note hints for their S3 playthroughs.

Fondness for Classes

On the flip side, emotional attachment to specific characters seems to be a significant factor for several players. Users like physical-horse and turapuru are seduced by classes they haven’t tried yet, while those like OSpiderBox stick to their guns, proclaiming, ‘Barbarian for every season.’

Power and Preference

The tug-of-war between choosing overpowered (OP) characters and personal preference sparks lively discussions. Blessmann and zihan777 hint at players gravitating towards OP classes, yet the charm of personal favorites, often driven by nostalgia or even cosmetics, as alluded to by WinterMay, sways decisions profoundly.

Fascinatingly, the Diablo community maintains a balance of strategic planning and sentimental preferences when rolling a new character for a season, reminding us that at the end of the day, it’s all just part of the fun. As Reddit user SmokeyXIII humorously states – Rogue, Rogue, and surprise, surprise, Rogue!