Choosing Your Aesthetics in Diablo: A Hairy Tale

A summary of a Diablo community PSA focusing on the unique interaction between character hair colour and transformation forms.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent post, Diablo’s lively community discussed an often unexpected facet of gameplay. Focusing on the Druid class, users shared experiences of how their initial character hair colour choices affected the game’s werewolf and werebear transformations.


  • The hair colour selected at character creation is identical in werewolf and werebear forms, something users often miss.
  • The game doesn’t allow for hair colour adjustments post character creation.
  • Some players have discarded characters due to their transformation hair colour.

User Experiences

Player McSmokeyDaPot admitted to scrapping a character based on the carry-over hair colour to the druid form. Though initially downcast, they are excited for the upcoming Season 3.

An amusing insight by Reluvin has them question the all-important query – ‘Does the carpet match the drapes?’ – capturing the hair conundrum perfectly.

Player Reactions

ediblesponge commented on the peculiar world of Diablo where one can mutate their entire body tattoos instantly but can’t modify their hair colour. It is this delicious absurdity that makes gaming discussions so engaging.

A clever wordplay by ComplaintPolice, ‘Duud… where’s my druid?’ had the community chuckling.

Thoughts for Game Development

Perhaps the game designers should give this hair-change mechanic a rethink? Or maybe this is a trivial issue blown wide by a few vocal gamers?

This episode underscores how player experiences, however seemingly insignificant, can shape game development or the community discourse around games. It makes you wonder – What’s next? Beard length affecting Barbarian strength?

In the world of Diablo, it seems, the thrill isn’t just in the quest for loot or power, but also in how your character looks when going berserk in werewolf form.