Clash Royale Age Slider Dilemma: What’s Your Real Age?

Clash Royale players express frustration with age slider prompts in-game. What age do you really choose?

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players found themselves in a hilarious age dilemma with the in-game slider. Hilarity ensued!


  • Players hilariously debate their age choices in the game.
  • Some opt for amusingly higher ages, leading to funny interactions.
  • Others face chat restrictions based on their real age entries.

Age Confusion

Players shared their amusement at being asked for their age in Clash Royale. Some players couldn’t resist setting themselves as much older than they truly are. SkirtGood1054 confessed to selecting 60+ despite not even being close to that age. It seems the allure of roleplaying as a wise elder was too tempting to resist.

Chat Restrictions

On the flip side, players like Flimsy-Emphasis7212 found themselves inadvertently facing consequences for honesty. After typing his real age, he discovered he could no longer chat with clan mates. This unexpected restriction left him exclaiming it as ‘literally the worst’ outcome.

Nostalgia for Youth

For some players, like crashedlandin, the age prompt served as a stark reminder of the passage of time. Reflecting on needing to input his age for the first time since turning 30, he lamented the feeling of getting old. His wistful plea to return to 2016 struck a chord with others who empathized with the sentiment.