Clash Royale and the Need for a Weight Class System

Is Clash Royale becoming a cycle fest with cheap decks? Find out why players are calling for a weight class system.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale has seen some major changes over the years, and one Redditor, DjinnsPalace, is questioning whether the game still offers the strategic gameplay it once did. In a recent post, they express frustration with the prevalence of fast-cycling decks and the lack of variety in building and defending pushes.


  • Players feel that Clash Royale has become a cycle fest, where any random deck that can cycle quickly is viable, making matches frustrating and boring.
  • The dominance of hogrider and evolving cards has made the game almost unplayable for some players.
  • A weight class system, similar to boxing, is suggested by many players as a way to balance matchups and support strategic gameplay.

Fast-Cycling Decks: A Frustrating Trend

Many players in the Clash Royale subreddit share the sentiment that the game has turned into a cycle fest. One user, Huwstron, expresses frustration with the current meta, stating that any random deck can win as long as it cycles fast. They believe that more than half of their losses are due to opponents cycling their decks relentlessly.

In a similar vein, JeremyP_297 shares their experience of facing hogriders and evolving cards in 13 consecutive matches, making the game feel unplayable. They highlight the lack of changes to their own deck and the frustration of constantly facing the same opponents.

Weight Class System: Balancing the Battle

Several players suggest implementing a weight class system, similar to boxing, to balance matchups and improve the gameplay experience. DjinnsPalace, the original poster, believes that battling a <2.6 deck with a 3.5 deck is tedious and calls for a weight class system as a potential solution.

Another user, cocotim, disagrees with the notion that cycle decks dominate the meta. They argue that beatdown decks like EGiant and Golem are just as viable and highlight the recent dominance of Giant GY and GG Sparky. However, DjinnsPalace and other players who support the weight class system point out that beatdown decks still pose a disadvantage against cycle decks.

Playing Smart: Tips for Overcoming the Meta

While some players are frustrated by the current state of Clash Royale, others offer advice on how to adapt and improve. Puffyjr99 suggests playing meta decks like Lava Hound, Giant Graveyard, or Golem instead of using Ram Rider. They emphasize the importance of deck choice in finding success in beatdown strategies.

Puffyjr99 also advises players to be patient and wait for their opponents to make mistakes, rather than relying solely on aggressive plays. By punishing opponents for their errors, players can gain an advantage in matches.

Overall, the Clash Royale subreddit reflects a mix of frustration with the current meta and suggestions for improving the gameplay experience. While some players believe that cycle decks have taken over, others argue for better balancing through a weight class system. As the game continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see if these concerns are addressed and if Clash Royale can regain its strategic roots.