Clash Royale: Arrows Battle Royale – The 40% Use Rate Conundrum

Discover the ongoing debate about the 40% use rate of arrows in high ladder matches in Clash Royale.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are in a heated debate about the sky-high 40% use rate of arrows in top ladder matches. A seemingly simple spell has sparked a big discussion among players, with strong sentiments on both sides.


  • Players have mixed feelings about the dominance of arrows in decks.
  • Some believe arrows are essential due to their versatility and effectiveness.
  • Others argue that arrows are too powerful and require balancing changes.

Positive Sentiment

ForTheMelancholy appreciates arrows’ utility and compares them to the revered Log card, suggesting they are a staple in every deck. MajikWaffle attributes the high usage to evolutionary troops, pointing out their influence on card selection.

Negative Sentiment

ItzManu001 criticizes arrows as a low-skill card, advocating for a radius nerf to increase the skill cap. MicrwavedBrain suggests a recoil change to balance the card, highlighting concerns about spamming.

Neutral Perspective

KRS10000 expresses satisfaction with arrows’ improvements over the years, while grublle argues that arrows’ dominance is not solely due to one card, dismissing the impact of specific interactions.