Clash Royale: Canoneer Buff Discussion Sparks Debate Among Players

Clash Royale players debate whether the Canoneer needs a buff in a recent Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale fans are heatedly discussing buffs for the Canoneer tower in a recent Reddit post.


  • Players are divided on whether the Canoneer needs a buff, with some proposing splash damage additions.
  • Some argue that any splash damage would make Canoneer too powerful and unbalanced.
  • Others feel that the recent nerf to Canoneer was unjustified and suggest reverting the damage.

Debate Over Canoneer’s Abilities

Many players feel the Canoneer is underpowered compared to other towers, suggesting buffs like increased health and small splash damage.

Opinions on Proposed Changes

Some users believe that adding any splash damage to Canoneer would make it too dominant and a hard counter to certain strategies.

Community Consensus

While there is disagreement on the specifics, most players agree that Canoneer needs some adjustments to be more viable in Clash Royale.

Last was by json5.