Clash Royale Conundrum: Subreddit Users Weigh in on Tricky In-Game Challenge

Players discuss strategies on handling high-level card opponents on Clash Royale subreddits.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the thrilling world of mobile gaming, Clash Royale sure knows how to keep its players on their toes. A recent situation posted by a user, FilaeLMAO, on the game’s subreddit, had several users scratching their heads and weighing in on what they would do. The user found themselves up against an opponent armed with cards all above level 12 – a daunting challenge for even the most seasoned players.


  • The original poster’s question sparked various strategic responses and suggestions from the subreddit users.
  • Sense of humour was the key as users lightheartedly shared their in-game stress relief methods.
  • Despite the difference in strategies, most users agreed that facing high-level card opponents required a solid plan and quick thinking.

Strategy Descriptions

Some users remained practical and strategic in their responses. User Nitr0sport09 suggested using “e-barbs and firecracker” in their deck, while BenjiAbi suggested “Royale delivery” and N_the_character recommended “Royal delivery and skellies“.

Quirky Tactics

In a world of stress and competition, some players prefer to play it cool with humour, rather than tactics. Bloody_butcher_ suggested to “Spam Princess yawning emote“, and yaboiree simply proposed to “Punch my phone 10 times, cry, play another match, repeat“. And when all else fails, 0oDADAo0 suggests to simply “Press delete“.

Dealing With Frustrations

The sentiment throughout the thread, whilst mostly cheerful, also carried undertones of frustration. Posts and comments alike shared experiences of repeated clashes with high-player opponents, thus underlining the common struggle within the community. The frustration fuelled creative and humorous responses, with users like asdf1041 suggesting a complex and technical response to the high-level card challenge.

This post and its comments highlight the communal strategy sharing and camaraderie within the Clash Royale Subreddit. As players continue to confront challenging opponents, it’s clear from these responses that humour, creativity, and community support are invaluable assets to navigating the complexities of this popular mobile game.