Clash Royale: Double Charged for Pass – What Can You Do?

Discover how Clash Royale players handle being double charged for the pass and find out if there's a way out.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are facing a common foe – double charges for their passes! braedenb7 found themselves in a tight spot with duplicate Apple charges. What will the Clash community advise in this dire situation?


  • Supercell support might hold the answers.
  • Double pass trouble – might not go down too well.
  • Check Supercell shop for unexpected purchases.
  • Refunds could mean a risk to your account.

Player Tips

FTNWOZ suggested caution with refunds, hinting at potential backlash. AitchisOP humorously jested about Supercell’s sneaky tactics in pushing their diamond pass. EmreYasdal offered the advice to investigate the Supercell shop for inadvertent pass purchases.

Community Reactions

The clash of opinions reigns as MrBowKnight highlighted the situation with a simple “2X VALUE” quip. RatFucker692137 and apathyforlife warned about refunds possibly resulting in dire consequences for one’s account.

Funny Side

Elidanatto’s comical breakdown of steps from reaching out to support to facing a potential ban or loss of gems lightens the mood. HugeAli’s suggestion to “Pray to the ~~banking~~ goblin gods” adds a touch of whimsy to an otherwise stressful situation.

The Clash Royale community’s responses showcase a mix of caution, humor, and a dose of skepticism when it comes to handling unexpected charges. Navigating this dual-charge scenario requires careful consideration to avoid any potential pitfalls in the game. The players’ witty responses mirror the blend of frustration and amusement that often accompanies such incidents in the gaming world.