Clash Royale Drama: Should We Sue Supercell?

The Clash Royale community debates suing Supercell over the chest glitch and lost purchases. Is a lawsuit the answer?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Clash Royale, controversy strikes as players consider legal action against Supercell over a recent chest glitch…


  • The Clash Royale community is divided on whether suing Supercell is a viable solution to the chest glitch issue.
  • Players feel frustrated and ignored by Supercell’s response to lost purchases.
  • Some players doubt the feasibility of a successful lawsuit due to the game’s terms and conditions.

Players’ Frustrations

Many players express their frustration at losing purchases due to the chest glitch, feeling ignored by Supercell’s lack of response…

Legal Doubts

Several users bring up the game’s terms and conditions, highlighting that Supercell may have legal grounds to manage Virtual Items as they see fit…

Community Division

The community remains divided, with some calling for a class-action lawsuit while others question the feasibility and effectiveness of such action…