Clash Royale Evo Card Dilemma: Which Evolution Should You Get?

Discover the best evolution choices for your Clash Royale deck and find out what the community recommends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you a Clash Royale player struggling with which evo card to get next? Juanito99_Yt faced this dilemma and asked for advice on Reddit. Let’s explore what the community had to say.


  • Consider the current meta to pick an evo that fits well.
  • Choose a lower elixir card for versatility.
  • Opt for an evo that complements your most used deck.
  • Prioritize fun and enjoyment when making your decision.

Community Recommendations

Robotwizard6 suggests going for lower elixir cards due to the ever-changing meta and advises picking an evo that aligns with your playstyle and deck strategy.

Mustypuppet1284 and 2gtbt_ both recommend Knight or Zap as safe and versatile choices that can fit into various deck compositions.

Practical_Beach6806 emphasizes the importance of picking an evo that you find enjoyable to use, while Fat_burger_noob suggests Bomber as a strong option.

Grassinmyshower deviates from the common picks with a recommendation for Tesla, known for its defensive capabilities.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right evo card in Clash Royale can significantly impact your gameplay experience. Consider the versatility, synergies with your deck, and your personal preferences when making your decision.