Clash Royale: Exploring the Concept of Evo Electro Wizard

Get ready to be shocked by the electrifying ideas from Clash Royale fans about the Evo Electro Wizard!

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale fans are buzzing with excitement over the concept of an Evo Electro Wizard that could shake up the game with electrifying powers. What could this wizard bring to the arena? Let’s dive into the discussion!


  • Players suggest various enhancements for the Evo Electro Wizard, such as unique attack animations and lightning-based abilities.
  • Some fans propose game-changing ideas like shocking targets indefinitely or speeding up attack animations.
  • Concerns are raised about potential overpowered abilities like a lightning spell strength attack or an annoying laughing emote.

Players’ Reactions

“That’s actually a really sick animation,” commented BNB3737, showcasing excitement over the visual design of the Evo Electro Wizard.

Chomperone_ added, “It throws electro spirits?” hinting at potential new gameplay mechanics.

DrDumpling88 suggested a game-changing ability, stating, “How about it comes in either the strength of a lightning spell and continuously uses its attack like emperor palpatine with lightning makes whatever the targets are shocked forever.” An intriguing idea that could shift the game’s dynamics.

Available-Drawer-925 shared a humorous concern, saying, “I just hope they won’t release Evo E-wiz laughing emote.” A reminder that not all additions are met with universal praise.