Clash Royale Face-off: The Controversial ‘He definitely broke the plane’ Argument

Join the debate among the 'Clash Royale' community about the game's rules and tricky ground lines.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fans of the popular game “Clash Royale” seem to be tangled in a heated debate. At the center of this discussion is a post titled “He definitely broke the plane,” which has spurred a series of interesting comments and discussions on game mechanics, rules and player levels. The author of the post, known as I_Like_Legos8374, did not provide any additional information, sparking further speculation.


User Reactions

One of the most noteworthy comments in the thread was from ‘tres67lll987’, who expressed a sort of frustration by stating, “Bro is 4 level above and still complaining“. There appears to be a general feeling that higher-level players should not be as entangled in trivial struggles.

Game Rules Clarification

‘HappyPlaysWasTaken’ took the opportunity to clarify an element of the game’s mechanics. This user asserted that the troop must fully cross the white line to be considered within bounds, further explaining, “As you can see, there is a TINY part of the prince still on the line“. This clarity was appreciated by many.

Diving into Game Modes

A question raised by ‘RadRunner33’, “How do you play touchdown? War?“, opened up a conversation about the game mode ‘touchdown’. ‘lime-_-licker1’ also sought inputs on how to play the particular game mode, adding fuel to the heated conversation.

In the end, this thread was an example of the vibrant and active Clash Royale community – filled with players eager to share their wisdom, help out newcomers, and argue the finer points of imaginary line-crossing. It’s just another day in the life of a dedicated Clash Royale player.