Clash Royale Firecracker: Love It or Hate It?

Discover why Clash Royale players have strong opinions about the Firecracker card.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players have strong feelings about the Firecracker card, with debates raging on Reddit over its strengths and weaknesses.


  • Some players find the Firecracker’s backward movement unique but frustrating.
  • Players express frustration over feeling forced to include specific counter cards in their decks.
  • The Firecracker’s range is a point of contention among players.

The Backward Move Debate

One Redditor pointed out the unique backward movement of the Firecracker, highlighting how it can prolong its own life span, causing annoyance to opponents.

The Counter Card Conundrum

Players lament the necessity of running specific counter cards like Arrows or Void just to deal with the Firecracker effectively, limiting deck-building flexibility.

Range Matters

Another player emphasized the annoyance stemming from the Firecracker’s range, suggesting that a slight reduction in distance could make the card less frustrating to face.

The Clash Royale community is divided on the Firecracker card, with some appreciating its unique mechanics while others find it a nuisance in matches. Whether you love or hate the Firecracker, it’s clear that this card evokes strong emotions among players. What are your thoughts on the Firecracker card in Clash Royale?