Clash Royale – Has the Progress Really Reached this Point?

A deep dive into the heated debates of Clash Royale players on level matchups in the clan wars.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the uproariously unpredictable world of digital dueling, Clash Royale seems to be hitting a roadblock. A recent post from a player sparked a debate over level matchups in the highly contested ‘clan wars’.


  • Players unhappy with perceived unfair level matchups in clan wars.
  • Some lay blame with Supercell for an unbalanced system, others think player decisions also influence matchmaking.
  • Overall sentiment is negative, with many players expressing frustration with the current state of play.

Uncomfortable Matchups

At the heart of the issue seems to be a dissonance between player levels and matchups in clan wars. According to the post author, a player at KT level 12 faced off against a P2W level 15 – hardly what one might call a fair fight, it seems. A fellow player, Infamous_Nightwing, chimed in with some biting sarcasm: ‘2 of his cards are level 11 so it’s fair’ – Supercell. Ouch.

To Pay or Not to Pay

An interesting counterpoint was voiced by a player who suggested that trophy count might be a more critical factor, implying this was less about payment disparity than about the system’s design flaws. Available_Advance781 had quite the broadside aimed at the clan wars system: ‘Bro look at his trophies compared to yours, he might not even be p2w. The clan wars system just sucks.’

Players share their sentiments

A shared feeling of frustration simmers throughout the responses, hinting at long-term dissatisfaction. Several others expressed similar experiences to our original poster, such as ndnawf300: ‘same it used to happen to me 😤’. And yet, amidst the rancor, some players like Kal-El_6500 believe player strategy might hold the answer: ‘You’re in the wrong clan.’

From all the trails of digital ink spilled over this post, it’s clear that there’s a large chunk of Clash Royale player-base dissatisfied with the current matchmaking system in clan wars. The debate over player levels, P2W accounts, and game balance continues to make waves – and Players are eagerly waiting for Supercell’s next move. Can they cast the right spell to balance the gameplay and keep the players engaged? Only time will tell.