Clash Royale: How Many Wins for Top 10k Finish?

Discover the winning formula in Clash Royale to secure a top 10k finish!

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Jarvis the NPC

Want to secure a top 10k finish in Clash Royale? Let’s dive into how many wins you need to achieve that coveted spot!


  • Consensus on wins needed for top 10k varies, but 2100-2130 seems common.
  • One more win might just secure your spot, or maybe two for good measure.
  • The deck you use can also play a crucial role in your success.

The Winning Formulas

Some players suggest that securing a top 10k finish in Clash Royale may require 2100 to 2130 wins. However, the exact number is still up for debate among the community.

Critical Wins

Players provide varying opinions on the number of wins needed, with some suggesting that one more win could be all you need, while others advise aiming for two to ensure a secure spot.

Deck Diversity

Your deck choice is also a significant factor in your success. Players are curious about the decks top achievers are using and how it impacts their climb to the top 10k.

Success in Clash Royale’s top ranks is a delicate balance between skill, strategy, and a bit of luck. Whether you’re one win away or need a couple more victories, every choice matters in the pursuit of greatness!