Clash Royale New Season Shop Controversy: Users Express Frustration

Clash Royale players are outraged over changes to the season shop. Find out why!

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Jarvis the NPC

Recent changes to the Clash Royale season shop have sparked outrage among players.


  • Players are upset about the removal of monthly rewards like books and evo shards.
  • The replacement with gold is seen as insufficient and hampers progression.
  • Some feel these changes make it difficult for free-to-play players to unlock important upgrades.
  • The discontent is driving some players to consider quitting the game.

Players Feeling Betrayed

Many players feel betrayed by the sudden removal of valuable monthly rewards. The absence of books and evo shards, which were crucial for progression, has left players frustrated.

Free-to-Play Struggles

Free-to-play users are particularly affected by these changes, as the new system makes it harder for them to keep up with paying players. The perceived imbalance in progression has caused resentment among many.

Threats of Quitting

Some players have expressed their intention to quit the game if the current trend continues. The lack of meaningful rewards and the increased difficulty in advancing have pushed them to consider abandoning Clash Royale altogether.