Clash Royale: Outrage Over the New Legendary Offer

Clash Royale players express discontent over the latest legendary offer, sparking intense discussions on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are up in arms over the latest legendary offer, with many feeling disappointed by its high price and lackluster rewards. The community on Reddit is buzzing with debates and rants, showcasing a mix of frustration and resignation.


  • Players criticize the expensive pricing structure of the legendary offer.
  • Some users feel let down by the perceived lack of value in the deal.
  • The community highlights the trend of disappointing offers in comparison to past rewards.

Outrage Over the Pricing

Yellow_Balloon125, the initial poster, expressed frustration at the exorbitant pricing of the legendary book of cards. As a long-time free-to-play player, waking up to what seemed like a generous reward turned into a bitter disappointment.

Defending the Game

Contrary to the general sentiment, z_Robby offered a perspective on why these types of offers exist, drawing comparisons to Brawl Stars. While acknowledging the community’s dissatisfaction, z_Robby shed light on the strategy behind such deals and their performance in other games.

The Free vs. Paid Debate

Snow-Lower sparked controversy with a divisive take, arguing that players should appreciate the free content instead of solely focusing on the paid offers. This perspective drew mixed reactions, with some players echoing the sentiment while others criticized the deal’s overall value.

Community Resignation

Amidst the heated discussions, maruchaaann expressed the struggle of maintaining enthusiasm for the game in light of disappointing offers. This sentiment resonated with several users, indicating a growing sense of disillusionment within the community.