Clash Royale: Players Divided on Continuing After Current Season

Frustrated players in Clash Royale contemplate leaving due to broken cards and a sense of imbalance in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are expressing their frustrations with the game, contemplating whether to continue playing or quit entirely. A Reddit post titled ‘Who else is leaving the game after this season is over?’ by user mwordofficial sparked a wave of responses.


  • Players express frustration with broken cards and perceived imbalance.
  • Some feel overwhelmed by the constant influx of new content.
  • Many players cite a lack of enjoyment in the current state of the game.

Frustrations with Broken Cards

Players like mwordofficial are leaving due to broken cards and features with high price tags that have rendered their main decks obsolete. One player mentioned, ‘It’s impossible to keep up with the meta as an f2p player.’ The sentiment of being unable to compete on a level playing field is echoed by several others.

Overwhelmed by New Content

Some players feel overwhelmed by the constant release of new content. One user highlighted the cycle of new content leading to more powerful cards and a sense of never-ending catch-up. The pressure to adapt to these changes is taking a toll on their enjoyment of the game.

Lack of Enjoyment

Others simply find the current state of Clash Royale lacking in entertainment value. The balance issues, broken cards, and perceived pay-to-win elements have soured their experience, leading to decisions to uninstall the game. The frustration of facing hard counters and feeling outmatched by paying players is a prevalent theme.

The discussions on Reddit reflect a mixed sentiment among Clash Royale players, with some considering leaving while others offer alternative perspectives on continuing to play. The community’s divergent experiences and opinions add depth to the ongoing conversation surrounding the game’s current state.