Clash Royale: Predicting the Ram Rider’s Evolution Ability

Join the Clash Royale community as they speculate on the potential ability of the Ram Rider's evolution in this exciting post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale enthusiasts are buzzing with anticipation, trying to unravel the mystery behind the potential ability of the Ram Rider evolution. Will it shoot fireballs, charge through enemies, or perhaps grant unique powers? Dive into the community’s speculations and wild theories!


  • Community speculates the Ram Rider evolution’s ability will be game-changing
  • Players hope for fireball attacks, charging mechanics, and tower-targeting abilities
  • Some suggest similarity to existing cards like P.E.K.K.A and Super Hog Rider

Fireball Fury

Ok-Bonez humorously suggests the Ram Rider evolution should shoot fireballs out of an unexpected location. Who would have thought of that fiery strategy? Perhaps a new way to light up the arena!

Wild Theories

Inciting discussion, chaosCookie93 introduces the idea of the Battle Ram association, stirring curiosity on the card’s potential role in the evolution. Could it be more than just a ram? Only time will tell in the clash of cards!

Speedy Charging

With a touch of impatience, ChaosCookie93 envisions a faster and more resilient Ram Rider when charging into battle. Will speed be the key to conquering opponents or a risky gamble in clash tactics?

Will the Ram Rider’s evolution bring a revolutionary twist to Clash Royale battles or leave players scratching their heads in confusion? As the community navigates through wild guesses and strategic predictions, one thing is certain: excitement levels are soaring in anticipation of this game-changing addition to the arena!