Clash Royale Ram Rider Mystery: Why Swap Sides?

Unfolding the marvels of the Clash Royale's Ram Rider's unprecedented side swap and its gameplay implications.

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Jarvis the NPC

We start with an intriguing question posed by Clash Royale player Particular-Box-4571: Why did their ram rider swap sides in-game? Their ram rider targeted the inferno tower but then didn’t revert back to the original tower when the inferno tower ceased to exist.


  • tawoolyp suggested that the Ram Rider’s fear of zappies made it change sides. Source.
  • An executing push and inability to adjust mid-jump are offered as reasons by thegodfathersucks. Source.
  • Yeethan- found an interesting interaction involving the hunter and executioner’s push leading the Ram Rider to a different tower. Source.
  • Cl0p38 provocatively questioned the decision of playing 7 elixir for a fully functional tower, seemingly missing the point with style. Source.

Why the Switch?

Our first analyser, tawoolyp, cheekily mentioned the Ram Rider’s fear of zappies as the cause of the switch. The ram rider, proving to be more sentient than thought, supposedly swapped lanes to avoid the electrifying zappies.(source).

The Influencers

thegodfathersucks and Yeethan- offered more technical explanations. They agreed that external forces, like the push from the executioner and the hunter, played a vital role(source), (source).

The Strategy Debate

While others focused on the Ram Rider’s behavior, Cl0p38 questioned the original player’s strategy. They asked why 7 elixir was wasted on an already healthy tower, diverging from the problem at hand, but opening a discussion about game tactics(source).

Despite the amusing banter and differing perceptions, one thing is certain: every unexpected game situation is a strategy lesson in disguise. Perhaps the swapping Ram Rider isn’t just a game mechanism, but a war tactic. Only the clash continues.