Clash Royale Reddit Drama: Regular Tesla Rant and Community Backlash

Players express frustration over nerfed regular Tesla in Clash Royale, questioning game balance decisions and card evolution mechanics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are up in arms over the recent balance changes affecting the regular Tesla card. A Reddit post by user Shotu_ sparked a heated discussion within the community.


  • Community feels regular Tesla nerf was unwarranted.
  • Players criticize Supercell’s balancing decisions.
  • Concerns raised about promoting new/evolved cards over game experience.
  • Different opinions on the impact of the Tesla nerf on gameplay.

Players’ Frustrations

Many players echoed Shotu_’s sentiments, expressing frustration over the perceived imbalance in the game’s updates. Some criticized Supercell for prioritizing new card sales over player experience, citing the evolution cards as a source of contention.

Multiple Perspectives

While some players welcomed the regular Tesla nerf, stating that it allowed other defensive buildings to shine, others argued that the card was unfairly targeted and that the Evo Tesla was the real issue.

Community Insights

The community split between those advocating for a more diverse meta and others lamenting the state of the game’s balance. The debate highlighted the ongoing tension between game developers and players over Clash Royale’s direction.