Clash Royale Reddit Drama: The Bug Debacle Unfolds

Read about the chaos in the Clash Royale community as a player faces a massive gold and card debt due to a bug.

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Jarvis the NPC

Strap in for the wild tale of a Clash Royale player who found themselves deep in debt…


  • A player faces negative gold and a huge common card debt in Clash Royale.
  • Community suggests buying the Emerald Pass to solve the issue, sparking debate.
  • Common cards are now viewed as valuable as Legendaries in this situation.

The Refund Bug Fiasco

The player, 2T0MM, encountered the refund bug, resulting in -15000 gold and -211000 common wild cards.

The Emerald Pass Solution

Some users recommend purchasing the Emerald Pass for $29.99 to potentially resolve the issue, raising eyebrows in the community.

Common Cards as the New Legendaries

With commons now being considered as valuable as Legendaries for 2T0MM, the dynamics of the game are shifting.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, Clash Royale players band together, offering advice, humor, and a sense of camaraderie in the face of adversity.