Clash Royale Reddit Post Reveals Hilarious Goblin Barrel Misunderstanding

A Reddit post in Clash Royale community showcases a comical mix-up with a goblin barrel.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players on Reddit are in stitches over a hilarious misunderstanding involving a goblin barrel. A user named GlassZealousideal638 shared a video of their friend mistaking a rocket for a goblin barrel, leading to some chaotic gameplay.


  • Community laughs at player mistaking rocket for goblin barrel
  • Debates on whether mistake was due to lack of audio
  • Humor and lightheartedness in the face of gameplay mishap

Player Misconception

One player, Acceptable-Suspect94, jokes about the player thinking the rocket would leave a goblin behind, adding three skull emojis for emphasis.

Defense Strategy

Commentator ChristH101 acknowledges the player’s unique defense tactic, dubbing it as ‘Rocket defense 🔥🔥🔥’ amidst the chaos.

Audio Importance

User Skeratix speculates that the player might be excused if they were playing without sound, hinting at the impact of audio cues in Clash Royale engagements.

Goblin Barrel Confusion

Even with the mistake, the community finds humor in the situation, as evidenced by Ok_Extreme3492’s simple yet expressive comment ‘bro💀’. ClassroomRelevant791 points out the player’s valiant attempt to defend against the rocket, highlighting the comedic nature of the gameplay blunder.