Clash Royale Reddit Rant: Too Much EWC, But Still Level 12?

Venting about having 57500 EWC but only a level 12 card! What a Clash Royale rollercoaster!

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players never cease to amaze with their card collecting antics. TheYesterdayWasCool took to Reddit to share the ultimate dilemma: 57500 EWC but only a level 12 card! Talk about unfortunate!


  • When you’re swimming in EWC but your cards are lagging behind, it’s a Clash Royale tragedy!
  • Some players sympathize, while others offer solutions to rise above the level 12 struggles.
  • The clash of card levels and EWC balances is a common theme in the Clash Royale community.

Player Reactions: Offering Solutions

TimotheusBarbane offered reassurance, hinting at the vast EWC milestones waiting ahead. SIZUS_MAXIMUS humorously suggested evenly spreading the leveling love among all cards.

Coveting the EWC

DarkShadder expressed envy, wishing for an opportunity to trade card riches with TheYesterdayWasCool.

Curiosity Strikes

sethhazmoney questioned the disparity between levels and EWC, while dam10102 delved into the source of the EWC fortune, leaving players pondering the mysteries of progression in Clash Royale.