Clash Royale Reddit: Users Share Their Best Drops!

Check out the best drops from Clash Royale updates as shared by players on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the excitement of Clash Royale players as they share their best drops from recent updates!


  • Players excitedly share their top drops, from champion wild cards to legendary wild cards.
  • Some players express disappointment at receiving only common drops.
  • The element of luck is a prevalent theme in the comments, with some feeling they’ve used up all their luck.

Excitement Over Drops

Many players, like user azyttvo, were thrilled with exceptional drops, such as 5 legendary wildcards. However, the excitement was dampened when the drops were not needed on certain accounts.

Disappointment Over Commons

Other players, such as Itachi0531, voiced their disappointment at receiving common drops repeatedly, feeling overshadowed by those with legendary or champion cards.

Luck and Timing Matters

Comments like from Mediocre-Medicine862 humorously suggest using up all their luck for the year after a great drop, highlighting the random nature of drops in Clash Royale.